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Эковахта Сахалина - одна из лучших российских природоохранных организаций, которая защищала природу Сахалина и экологические права граждан с 1995 года. Организация добилась многих побед, в том числе запрета на сброс буровых отходов во все моря России, сохранения от вырубки последнего крупного массива девственного сахалинского леса и создание для его защиты заказника «Восточный», ликвидации огромного нефтяного озера Роснефти в пос. Катангли и строительство очистных сооружений на нефтепромыслах этой компании и многих других. Однако, обезумевший режим привел к тому, что Эковахта Сахалина была убита. В этом посте организация прощается со своими подписчиками и рассказывает о своих достижениях.

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The author attended Princess Chelsea's concert in Cologne and shares their experience. They enjoyed the concert and danced throughout it. The author took photographs, including of other group members, and appreciated the results. Princess Chelsea's genre is described as 'baroque pop', but the author heard familiar rock elements in the music.

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Статья о визите автора к российскому посольству в Таллинне и обнаружении антивоенного плаката с государственным российским флагом. Автор рассказывает о своей позиции в отношении национальности и гражданства, а также о споре с Евгенией Чириковой по поводу убирания плаката. Описывается также другая антироссийская символика, которую автор заметил в окрестностях посольства.

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The Technical University of Aachen (RWTH) hosted a scientific night on November 11th. The event was popular, with many people attending. The author visited a room with liquid nitrogen and was fascinated by the magnetic levitation of a superconducting material. The event had a lot of coloured laser light, which made it difficult to read. However, there were many calmer places on the third floor where the author was able to gain scientific knowledge.

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The author describes their day, which included seeing a large flock of cranes while out for a run. They estimate there were several hundred birds. The author also talks about their love for the French language and their recent poem in English. They mention finding mushrooms in November and the upcoming golden autumn in the area.

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Mikhail Kriger, a long-time opposition activist, has been arrested in Moscow and faces up to 7 years in prison for 'justifying terrorism'. The case was opened based on a Facebook post from 2020. Many believe that the accusations were just a pretext, and that the post was used as an excuse to arrest Kriger. Despite the dangers, many activists like Kriger remain in Russia and continue to speak out against the government. The court proceedings have not been transparent, and Kriger will be detained until at least January 1, 2023.

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